January 27, 2009


I just got to work, and I only have a few minutes to capture this.

I was walking to work just now, in the -20°C Ottawa morning sunshine, and the sun hit the side of a building just right, and I felt really happy. It's strange how quickly it hits you, and how quickly it goes away again.

I distinctly remembering feeling the same way once when I lived in New Edinburgh, not long after I moved to Ottawa. It was a Saturday morning, and I was on Beechwood Ave just east of Vanier Parkway, walking down to the market. Suddenly I felt really happy and optimistic. Out of nowhere. It lasted a few minutes, then subsided.

What causes this? Where does it come from?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly Toothpick relates to the term used for penis sizegenetics that have been removed and utilized for toothpicks or decoration (mainly on baseball and cowboy hats). Typically these are the penis sizegenetics from raccoons. They aren't used much for toothpicks any longer, but this form of penis sizegenetics utilization can still be seen adorning people's hats.Sound crazy? Well, I guess that depends your point of view. What exactly are penis sizegenetics? That's a better question: Penis sizegenetics may be the sizegenetics that are found usually in most mammals to aid them create an sizegenetics.